星期二, 九月 12, 2006

The Syllabus

Peking University Law School: Fall Semester, 2006
Lecturer: LIANG Xiaohui
LL.M. Harvard, LL.M. Peking University, M.A. University of Oslo
Course Material Pick-up Email: biziri@gmail.com

This course will be given in 16 weeks (September 2006-January 2007):

Part I: The Corporate Social Responsibility Movement

Introduction: Everybody's Business (week 1)
Human Rights Accountability of Business Entities: Theories and Practice (week 2-3)
Norms, Standards and Codes of Conduct (week 4)
The Implementation Mechanisms: Making Human Rights a Business? (week 4-5)

Part II: The Idealism and the Realism
Non-discrimination: Equal Rights to Be Exploited? (week 6)
Health and Safety: the Depreciation of Labor? (week 7)
Freedom of Association: United We Work (week 8)
Forced and Compulsory Labor: All Labor is Forced Labor? (week 9)
Child Labor: Toy Player or Toy Maker (week 10)
Ethical Business Practices: Deal!? (week 11)
Business and Collective Rights: Oil and Soil (week 12)
Environmental Influences: a Counterfeited Earth? (week 13)
Responsible Investments: Right Seeds for Good Harvest (week 14)

Part III. The Practice
A Factory Visit (TBD): Field Study
The Draft and Announcement of "The Students' Declaration of Responsible Business"



袁家方主编 企业社会责任 海洋出版社 1990
李政义 企业社会责任论 台北巨流图书公司 1990
张向前 和谐社会的企业责任 中国文史出版社 2005
李立清、李燕凌 企业社会责任研究 人民出版社 2005
Asbjorn Eide, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: a Textbook (2nd ed.), M. Nijhoff Publishers, 2001
Michael K. Addo, Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations, Kluwer Law International, 1999
Nicola Jagers, Corporate Human Rights Obligations: in Search of Accountability, Intersentia, 2003
Lawrence E. Mitchell, Corporate Irresponsibility: America's Newest Export, Yale University Press, 2001
Neil H. Jacoby, Corporate Power and Social Responsibility: a Blueprint for the Future, Macmillan, 1977
David Sciulli, Corporate Power in Civil Society: an Application of Societal Constitutionalism, New York University Press, 2001
Alison Brysk, Globalization and Human Rights, University of California Press, 2002
Michael A. Santoro, Profits and Principles: Global Captalism and Human Rights in China, Cornell University Press, 2000
Anthony Woodiwiss, Globalisation, Human Rights and Labour Law in Pacific Asia, Cambridge University Press, 1998
S. Prakash Sethi, Setting Global Standards: Guidelines for Creating Codes of Conduct in Multinational Corporations, Hoboken, N.J., 2003
Stephen Tully, International Documents on Corporate Responsibility, Edward Elgar, 2005

http://www.unglobalcompact.org/index.html (UN Global Compact Official Site)
http://www.business-humanrights.org/ (with rich up-to-date information)
http://www.csr-asia.com/ (Asia focused)
http://www.bsr.org/ (has some good issue briefs)
http://www.csreurope.org/ (the European perspectives)
http://www.ohchr.org/english/issues/globalization/index.htm (the Globalization Section of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Site)
(University of Minnesota Human Rights Library)
http://www.humanrightsbusiness.org/ (the Danish Institute for Human Rights)
http://www.syntao.com/ (最丰富的企业社会责任中文信息网)
http://www.csrchina.com.cn/ (中国企业社会责任调查官方网站)
http://www.sa8000.org.cn/ (SA8000中文网站)
